Case Studies

height adjustable table
Low force gas spring for height adjustable table

Mr. Christian, is from a French design company. He needed an ultra-low force(35N) locking gas spring for a new developing …

Gas springs are not only available from dealerships!

Mr. G left a message on our website to state the difficulty he was facing. He is doing business in …

Self lock compression gas spring for sofa
Self-lock compression gas spring for sofa

We had a USA client come up with an idea. He wanted a compression gas spring that could be applied …

Gas spring for RV
RV developing project

Mr. F, from a US design company, is one of our valued customers. He has sent us an inquiry about …

Smoke vent 1
Industrial Machine

Project Overview Customer in UAE.Carbon steel compression gas spring with damping performanceLifespan requirement is 5 years(50,000 cycles)The gas spring can …