Rigid locking gas spring

Rigid locking gas spring

Rigid locking gas spring​

Rigid locking gas spring is mainly composed of controllable valve, piston, guide, pin, piston rod, cylinder, nitrogen gas, hydraulic oil, sealing ring, etc.

rigid locking gas spring

The working principle of the rigid lockable gas spring is to separate the hydraulic oil and nitrogen gas through a floating piston. The piston is locked in the hydraulic oil zone, and the locking force is stronger because the oil is almost incompressible.

Btw, the flexible locking gas spring is not made of the hydraulic oil and nitrogen gas separation structure. Its entire cavity is almost filled with nitrogen, so the locking force is not as strong as the rigid locking gas spring.

In general, for some scenes with high locking requirements, we recommend rigid gas springs!

For example, rigid locking gas struts is mainly used in Railway seat backs, medical bed backs, sofa seat backs, bus seat backs and other working parts for supporting and locking.

rigid locking gas spring application
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Linsheng Zhao

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